BBQ and Barrels is thrilled to introduce a new feature to this year’s festivities: The BBQ and Barrels 50/50 Raffle! Starting on Wednesday, May 1, tickets can be purchased online. Tickets will also be available for purchase on-site at various locations along 2nd Street during the BBQ & Barrels event on May 10 & 11.
Pricing for tickets: 3 tickets for $10, 20 tickets for $20, 60 tickets for $40, and 180 tickets for $100.
Ticket sales will close at 7:30 PM on Saturday, May 11. The winning number will be announced live on stage during the Saturday evening concert featuring country singer Chris Janson. The winner will walk away with half of the total earnings. The link to purchase tickets will be live on
International Bar-B-Que Festival
License No. ORG-0002869